Dale A. Hildebrandt – Hand Bluffs Plus More Stuff ( Instant Download )
Dale A. Hildebrandt;
with a Preface by Jerome Finley
a Foreword by Michael Weber
This book contains some very advanced material for the psychic entertainer and mentalist. Some of these things are very pure effects and methods, and some of these things rely on more traditional trickery. This is the direction Dale A. Hildebrandt is heading in with his performances. You will find many things in this book that can be put to use in the fields of NLP, psychic entertainment, and mentalism.
!HANDSHAKE INTUITION: This book will teach you techniques related to shaking hands and other touches. This is very powerful stuff that should not be treated lightly. These techniques are great tools for mentalists and psychic entertainers. When you have learned these techniques, you will be a few steps ahead of the pack and enable yourself to deepen the astonishment of those around you.
!AN ERICKSONIAN READER’S OPENING: After you use “Handshake Intuition” and greet the person in front of you, how do you open the actual session with your client? Find out one technique based on the work of Milton H. Erickson that will make it seem like you are interested without interfering!
!THE BACKSLAP ANCHOR: An interesting, progressive technique that allows you to establish a magickal relationship with an individual and end with a Cold/Warm/Hot Reading that is enhanced by the use of this particular technique. Cold/Warm/Hot Reading techniques are not discussed in this book; it is assumed that you have some knowledge in this area already. This particular technique allows your Cold/Warm/Hot Reading to be perceived as more accurate and more real.
!THREE KNUCKLE SWISH: A technique taken from the pages of Neurolinguistic Programming with some advice on how to learn anchoring when you first start out. The “Three Knuckle Swish” has proved to be a very powerful tool for me and those who I have applied the technique with. It will prove just as useful to you as well.
!THE DEEPER TAROT: You hand a participant a deck of Tarot Cards. Apparently divine the meanings of the first two Tarot Cards without markings, stacks, or even touching the cards. Then, for a kicker, divine the last card’s meaning and also know what card has been chosen!
!CAPTAIN PENNY, THE PSYCHIC PIRATE: I show you the progress of evolution in this effect, with an Old Presentation given first and the New Presentation given towards the end of the description. This has become one of my favorite pieces to perform and gets a lot of great laughs with some wonderful audience interaction.
!WITCH FINGERS: By listening to my audiences and applying different techniques to this presentation I have come up with a mentalist presentation for what would ordinarily be considered a comedy prop—a prop that many would normally consider beneath them to use because of the prop’s original intention. This also puts all the power into the hands of the volunteer!
!BONUS EFFECT (PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE): HAUNTED HOUSE HALLOWEEN HORROR: A card effect utilizing 52 blank faced cards that now have different words written upon them. There are many directions this effect can take, but the main idea remains the same: One of the 52 cards is chosen by having a number named (in one version any number can be named, but in my preferred version any number between 1 and 22—in the preferred version you can then repeat the effect with a different outcome). The card is then revealed by the magician.
“Dale has offered up another collection of his interesting observations and odd ideas which create the chance for us to navigate our way to thoughts that might have otherwise never been.”—From the Foreword by Michael Weber
“Dale’s new work is fascinating reading for mentalists–it is about first impressions. They are always important, but this is about more than making it a good one. This is about making a person’s first impression of you an actual EFFECT… A startlingly simple idea that can’t do anything but help your reputation as a worker of the strange.”—Liam Montier
“This kind of work is very important to the modern conjurer, and I am very
grateful for the chance to gain such knowledge.”—Brad Gordon
“I think people should have to sign a waiver promising to only use this for
good. This has to be kept away from politicians. I find Handshake Intuition
both fascinating and terrifying.”—TC Tahoe
“I’ve been pretty busy lately, but I wanted to shoot you a quick note to say how much I enjoy Hand Bluffs.
It’s the special secret touches and nuances like those in your book that elevate a performance to a personal experience for the spectator. I wish there were more creators out there like you.”—Don Theo III
“Inspired and inspiring. I loved the ideas for handshakes – they turn an ordinary gesture into an extraordinary event. Really refreshing thinking for mentalists and open-minded magicians.” Oliver Meech , author of The Plot Thickens.
“Handbluffs Plus is the perfect way for any entertainer to make a great initial impression. When we meet new potential clients we often shake their hands. With the techniques described in this release you will not only shake hands but PROVE you apparently have magical powers. Highly recommended for those wanting to break the ice.”—Devin Knight
“I must say I really like ‘Hand Bluffs’. You have included some fascinating work which demonstrates your deep knowledge of people and performance; valuable assets to any performer.
A particular stand out piece for me is ‘Handshake Intuition’; a stunning use of linguistics and psychology that will deeply affect any one it is used on. This will leave spectators uniquely affected by your magical prowess.
PRICE: $150.00 USD This will be a physical, paperback book.
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