A captivating 45- to 60-minute lecture-demonstration about Harry and Bess Houdini’s pact to find a means of communicating with each other after Harry’s death. A complete lecture script with suggested effects. Perform it any time of year, but especially during the month of October (since Houdini died on Halloween). This is sure-fire entertainment for adult, college, and high school audiences. Earn money by performing this lecture-demonstration for civic group luncheons, college campus special events, at libraries, haunted houses, spook shows, and more.
This presentation revives the age-old question of “survival after death” and associates you with that colorful character and great showman, Harry Houdini. It recreates the mental imagery of the Final Houdini Séance. Plus, it contains new revelations, not heretofore made public.
The author suggests the lecture be supplemented and illustrated by a few simple magic tricks – found in the repertoire of most magicians, or obtainable at your favorite dealer. This adds new interest and effectiveness, giving you a full and balanced program.
Are you a Nelson collector? This title was featured as No. 304 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog. Fill that empty space in your collection by adding this title to your library.
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