“This is not an anytime/anywhere type of effect. It requires some preparation. About 15 minutes once you have the stuff you need. It will also require you to learn a skill if you don’t already know it. It takes maybe 10-20 minutes to learn. And it will cost you about $8 per performance.
But, in return for that you will have these benefits:
- A trick unlike any trick you do and unlike any trick your audience has seen. It doesn’t even fit into one of Fitzkee’s classifications. That idiot.
- It doesn’t use cards or coins.
- No difficult moves.
- The version I’ve used the most makes people cry (in a good way).
- It’s an ideal trick to commemorate special occasions.
- It leaves your spectators with the best souvenir in the history of magic. Well, that’s a bold claim, Andy. F-you, ItalicsVoice! Thank you, BoldVoice. Here’s the deal, feel free to nominate a better souvenir after you’ve read the effect. I’d be curious to find another magic souvenir that is intensely personal, is partly created by the spectator, and allows them to relive the magic moment coming together over and over for all eternity.”
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