Use any Russian Wedding Band (for example search ‘Russian Wedding Ring’ on Amazon)
Slink is a sleight of hand Linking Finger Ring Routine that is easily constructed by modifying any Russian Wedding Band. You can find these at your local markets or trinket store. This type of ring has three bands, linked together. You need to purchase one of them. It is suggested you start with the cheapest unit you can find, and then once familiar with the handling, you can purchase a heavier set in silver or gold.
In effect, you display two silver rings. These are held at the fingertips, and then with a magical shake, they link together. They may now be examined before they are caused to magically unlink. The effect may be repeated. Several linking and unlinking phases are included. These all occur at the fingertips and look truly magical.
1st edition 1992; digital edition 2010; 20 pages, 27 line drawings.
word count: 2138 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text
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