The Grymoire for Brother Bruce by Bruce Barnett ( Vol 6 , Instant Download )
Your Magic is Within (Walt Anthony)
Reven…No, Never (Heyward Boyette)
Brother Shadow’s Routine For Fogel’s Triple Prediction (Brother Shadow)
Devil’s Suicide – A Reason to do The Six Card Repeat (Tim “Santiago” Converse)
Vlad’s Splinter Redux (Lee Darrow)
Mary Jane’s Beads (Jack Disbrow)
Thoughts on the “Hollow Card” (Jack Disbrow)
Spellcaster (EVILDAN)
The Hand of Glory (Kali)
Tarot-Thaumaturgy (Sandra Linehan AKA Madame Ghislaine)
Envelope Fan-Fair (Ed Loveland)
A Matter of Life and Death (Peter Marucci)
How to Exorcise a Vampire! (Leslie Melville)
Billy’s First Performance (Robert E. Neale)
Blind Love (49 Ringo)
Cagliostro’s Final Secret (Alexander Römer)
Dick’s Cigar (Bill Palmer, MIMC)
Jimi’s Card (Mark Rough)
Minerva’s Sorcerer Test (Rolando Santos)
Haunted Lighthouse Stamps (Rolando Santos)
The Light of Evil (Rolando Santos)
The Strange Revenge of the Celestial Wu (Shane)
The Story of Four Candles (Ed Solomon)
The Paradox of the Pendulum (Ed Solomon)
The Coming of the “FLD” (Alan Wassilak)
Uncle Grover’s Mortuary Tube (Larry White)
Beyond the Other Side (Lee Woodside & Tracy Mowdy)
A Meeting with a Legend (Peter Zenner)
The Never-Ending Card Trick From Hell (Bruce Barnett)