Thomas Hierling – New Wave Close UP ( French , Instant Download )
Only routines prowled in contact with the public!
Most of the effects can stand up and surrounded.
Concrete towers doable in the worst conditions!
This work is entirely devoted to what is called the close-up, or micro-magic, or table magic. Of the twenty-two routines contained this book, only ten use cards as main accessories, and even in this case, the effects they serve to make come out of the image that we have of a cards traditional. Judge instead: one of the queens of the game is lighter a few centimeters in sight! An ambitious card signed changes tarot color, a signature moves from one card to another, a normal case sprang at the size of a miniature card, etc.
In short, visually spectacular effects and made without rigged or special card, with the means at hand!
The other twelve other routines call on current objects, which can be found on a restaurant table, or can be easily transported on yourself: coins, banknotes, ring, hint, etc. There too, the effects are very visual, and practically impossible. For example, a ring borrowed from a spectator finds itself in the salt shaker who nevertheless dragged well in sight on the table from the start! Or again: a coca-cola mini-bouteille instantly turns into a normal bottle!
Most of these routines can be standing or seated, and so to speak at the raised foot. In short, whether it be cards or objects of all kinds, the routines were selected by the author according to their visual impact on the public and their practicality: no long preparations, e.g.
Before being delivered to the reader, all the effects have been prowled, refined and combed in fine in real presentation conditions, in front of the most diverse and difficult audiences, not to say the most hearty! With this experience, the author only retained routines concrete, who will leave your spectators on the tile.
In addition to technical descriptions, the author included in his work a chapter where he exhibits the fruits of his experience as a professional table magician. Advice that will be used to all those who want to embark on the same career as him, like all Hobbyists who one day or another will inevitably be confronted with the same problems.
In short, if the table magic interests you, the book by Thomas Hierling will teach you many things about art and how to present your miracles in public by putting all the odds on your side. It will also enrich your repertoire of excellent closed-up towers that you can present, so to speak everywhere.
The work itself is beautiful! Each routine is illustrated by many figures which not only facilitate understanding of the text, but also bring it real puffs of oxygen! These illustrations are clear, clear and precise, and there are almost two hundred!